Latisse in Oviedo

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Long Lashes with Latisse

Say goodbye to mascara and achieve thicker, longer eyelashes with Latisse.

This topical treatment is brushed across your eyelashes each night, and in around 16 weeks, you’ll see the full results. The team at Oviedo Vision Center is happy to review the benefits, application methods, and potential side effects of Latisse with you.

What is Latisse?

Latisse is an FDA-approved treatment for those with insufficient or scarce eyelashes.

Latisse uses the medication bimatoprost to lengthen the period of hair growth and increase the number of hairs produced. Bimatoprost was initially used in eye drops to treat glaucoma. Patients using the drops noticed their eyelashes became thicker and longer, leading to the creation of Latisse.

With regular application, you can expect your eyelashes to grow longer, thicker, and darker. Latisse is only meant to be applied on the upper eyelid. As you blink, Latisse will spread to your lower lashes.

Potential Risk Factors

Like any medication you take, there are possible side effects. If you develop any of the following side effects, please contact us. Potential risks of Latisse include:

  • Red eyes
  • Itchiness
  • Eyelid skin darkening
  • Eye dryness
  • Irritation

Find Out if Latisse Is Right for You

Talk with your eye doctor if you’re interested in Latisse. We’ll have an open discussion about the benefits and risk factors to determine if Latisse is the right treatment for you. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.

Our Location

We are located just off of West Broadway, near the Oviedo Medical Center.

Oviedo Vision Center

  • 875 Clark St.
  • Oviedo, FL 32765

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